There is always something to give

      The novel ‘Shadowfell’ may be only all average teenage fantasy novel. But a thing that I liked about it is the like ‘there is always something to give’.
     The protagonist tried to give always give something to a needy even if she was herself one.
     But this seems possible in a story only.
     Have you heard a begger giving something to help someone. Or a bankrupt company investing in another company? I haven’t.
   How can we give something if we have nothing ourselves?
    With this thought another thing I remembered. It was said by a Pandit in some Shanti Paath( a Hindi ritual ceremony).
     The topic was levels of helping.
The art of helping can be along 3 levels

1. In the First level , we directly help others by giving some materialistic resource. It can be financial or non financial or physical help.
     Like you give your friend a ride to home. Or give some money to help a poor or help an blind man to cross the road. 
    This is the highest and most punya( your goodness count of Karma) awarding as you give some resources (time, money , others) that may be
useful to you in this life or Right now.

2. Well if you are as good as the needy person , you still have the second level. You can talk to will You can say condition words to release some of hours tension.
     It may not solve his problems but at least his inner feeling will trouble him less. 
     If you have nothing material to give use your words. Motivate him to face the problem. Don’t let them think negatively. May be this is what he needs. May be sing a song for him.
      This level awards less punya points then first level.

3. If you can’t even do this. Because of any reason like cultural differences or this is not the place for you talk or you think that the person may misunderstand your words and intensions . Or you are far far away. But you soul wanna help.
    One thing you can still give. A small prayer. Pray to the god which ever you beleive in. Pray for him to be victorious in facing the problem.
     You can always pray and it hold value. If you cannot help directly ask God to do it. This is the last you can do.
    May be it not seen enough. But something is better then nothing.
      It awards the punya points but already you will be satisfied that you have donr something. And you will also show gods that you have the spirit to help those in need .
      This process that there is always something to give even when you have nothing.
      Here ends this post. Hope you like it. I will pray for you.