Call of the profession


The society that we live in,
Is possible due to
Doctors, teachers , fires person
And all different professions.

Many people work hard,
So, we don’t need
To live like a bard.
This hardwork is backbone of system
That keeps our life in rhythm.

So work you do for a living,
Is also something, you are giving.
Your profession is very important,
Weather sweeper, fireman or accountant.

Your profession may be boring,
Waiting something interesting to happen
So open your ears,
And hear the call of profession.

Apart from doing you daily work,
There is another duty that lurk.
Spreading happiness through your profession,
Can provide an additional perk.

Take example of me
A student of IT
LOVE not only programming
And geek nerd.
But also how IT,
Shapes our world.

I try to use my knowledge,
For helping people in lockage (confusion).
Weather Papa needing to
Sort his documents
Or, our milk maid needing a
Divine wallpaper for penance.

History is witness of the prose.
Every profession has started,
To support a good cause.
Use you skills for benifit of society,
Doing so will gain you
Skill refinement , practical knowledge
And of course mind free from anxiety.

You will gain peace and satisfaction,
Many people’s love and affection,
And respect in your possession faction.

So all the best,
Achieve your career goals,
But never forget  in being aspirational
The meaning of a true professional.

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